Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Silence is Golden

Yes, it's been a while. Feeling rather private of late, spending a good deal of time in the treehouse, writing, writing, writing.

Last night, while writing with the TV news on in the background, I laughed out loud without looking up when the anchor quipped, "Gee, I haven't heard that in 20 minutes ...." He was referring, of course, to "Stand Up and Get Crunk," which was accompanying the umpteenth story about "Who Dat Nation." As the strains of that 'lovely' composition begin to fade at long last, we are settling into what is my favorite time of year. Between Mardi Gras and Jazz Fest, the New Orleans area exhales and you can actually see the city for who she is when not putting on her face for visitors.

That seems only fitting for Lent -- clear out the company and get your house back in order. I've been doing that this week by attending a Lenten Mission at Mary Queen of Peace each evening, led by visiting Redemptorist priest, Father Daniel Francis, who's been 'playing to packed houses.' With his funny, touching, insightful and prayerful leadership, these nights are a spiritual respite from the rest of the world that is paying far too much attention to the latest scandals surrounding "The Bachelor" or "American Idol."

Meanwhile, the weather has taken a turn back to cold and gray -- perfect for long walks amidst the pines when the air is so brisk and fulfilling, you can almost gulp it. All is as it should be.