Monday, May 3, 2010

Who Needs Blockbusters?

In light of the oil spill in the Gulf, and its aftermath, I can't help but think that real life is beginning to surpass any fictitious tale of the apocalypse. This is not a movie that we can just walk away from, and simply assuage our fears with popcorn in the lobby. It was nearly three years ago that I was preparing to debut my one-woman musical science show for elementary schools in Tangipahoa and St. Tammany Parishes. The show was to focus on astronomy. But I, ever the aspiring environmentalist, felt compelled to include a song about the travesty committed upon Lake Apopka in Florida, decades ago, on Mother Earth. It was a harbinger of more to come. Have a listen to the beginning:

There was a beautiful Floridian lake
When people had a vacation to take
They upped and shouted, "Hey, for goodness sake,
Let's go to Lake Apopka!"

They caught the biggest fish you've ever seen
They splashed and played in water fresh and clean
The whole environment was rich and green
There in Lake Apopka

But now the birds are dropping to the ground
The graceful cougar there no longer abound
And healthy fish are rarely found
Now in Lake Apopka

That's why I'm singing:

Don't let the birds fall from the sky
Don't let the birds fall from the sky
We've got to help them fly high
Fly, fly, fly

Pelicans, egrets and gulls
They don't need our man made troubles
C'mon and show the planet some pride
Think twice before dumping that pesticide!

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